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Idaho’s & North Dakota’s

Elite Female Portrait Studio


Hey girlfriend, I am so thankful you are here.

Photographing hundreds of women over the course of twelve years has taught me so many beautiful lessons. Each woman's story is unique and powerful, and we all should be photographed in the most beautiful way.

Unfortunately, most of us haven't truly seen ourselves as gorgeous. We may have heard our spouse, friends, or family tell us for years how beautiful we are; but until we are able to see it for ourself, it won't truly sink in.

This is where I love to come in and give you an unforgettable experience that will capture your true beauty.

Whether you are graduating high school, starting your family, or just need proper portraits of yourself, I would love to have the chance of working with you.

Much love & God bless, Sarah

“In honest words, I don’t enjoy seeing photos of myself, I critique and criticize and end up feeling not that great about myself. For the majority of my life I’ve never loved myself. Only in the past few years I’ve learned to be kinder with my thoughts and judgments about who I am and how I look. When I look at THIS image though, I see strength, courage, an overcomer. Someone who sees her past like a bad dream and is proud she made it out. A woman who fought like hell to make a better life for her family, who will never allow her children to see and feel the things she has. A determined woman who never thought she’d become anything but a mom and is now a successful business owner. I’m not ashamed of my past in the slightest because it’s made me everything I am today. I’m thankful it made me strong, compassionate and forgiving.

Thank you Sarah for giving me this,
you’re one hell of an amazing woman and artist.”
